Wednesday, April 20, 2005


Taking a page from my kids books.......

1. Why are packages only 1/2 full? (and settling is not the answer each time).
Either save resources and use a smaller package or FILL the package. In this case I opened a new bottle of ibuprofen and it's only 1/2 full.

2. Why is sealed for your own protection a good thing?
If you can't get into the bottle, you grab a sharp object to hack your way in........that could cause more issues than the bottle that has 10 seals on it.

3. Why is it when you are in a hurry everyone else slows down?

4. If you are waiting for a person or a call, why is it they KNOW to pick the 3 minutes you snuck away to use the restroom?

5. Why do we have to work more hours than we rest or sleep?

6. Why do children get so much energy and those who have to care for them run out so quickly?


Tuesday, April 05, 2005


Was searching the internet and found this article on Texas legislation regarding cheerleaders and what they should and should not be able to do............

Seems they are OUTRAGED at the "suggestive" moves that many of these cheerleaders perform. Now as a parent, if i do not like what my child is doing, it is MY responsibility to stop her, to educate her and to set the morales and principles that she will take with her through her life and build upon.

My issue with this is more and more of government is concerning themselves with "moral" issues and with issues that parents should be dealing with. They are determining for me what is correct and incorrect. Instead of working on these issues and forcing THEIR opinion on me and wasting my tax dollars and items such as this, I want to see them do THEIR job first. To work on safety issues, issues that will affect everyone, not the moral issues that everyone disagrees on in the first place.

Could we please get our priorities straight and work on crime, education, pollution and the other 10 million things that will affect the future of the country and leave parenting and morals in the venue that it belongs in (i.e. the parents!)

Monday, April 04, 2005

Everyone has an opinion

Everyone has an opinion on whether what happened to Terri Shievo was right or wrong. As to who should replace the pope and millions of other issues.

My viewpoint willing to share your opinions, be willing to defend your reasoning, be willing to learn and take into account other facts that may adjust your opinion. In no case, should your opinion be FORCED onto someone else. It is interesting to see how many people are willing to express their opinions in public forums, to communicate their outrage or their viewpoint at the top of their lungs, but neglect to communicate with those they live with and see every day of their lives.

Terri's battle is over with no winner, the pope has done his best and now leaves his duties to the next person to complete with their vision and to the best of THEIR everyone needs to do these things for themselves.

TALK to your family....make sure everyone understands where you stand on important issues of who should raise your children, what should be done with your items, what health items you want performed or don't want performed. This is the single most important thing you can do after the will and living will. The written will assist for when you pass on, the living will can help for when you can not make decisions for yourself, but none of it will mean a thing without the help and support of the family and friends that will be there at the time of need. THEY are the ones that will make the decisions that will affect you and those around you. In some states, even the written document can be overwritten by your family (For example, in my state, I can be an organ donor, sign my driver license and have it witnessed and my family can override my wishes at the end). The pope made his wishes known that he did not want any more treatments at the hospital and the people around him respected them. Terri did not make it clear to her family and to make sure ALL of them knew what she wanted. Why? because no one wants to think of their own mortality or talk about it. Even if I disagree about Terri's situation being brought to the light in the manner used, at least her legacy is in getting people to plan better and to COMMUNICATE with their family members. Even in my family, Easter dinner ended up with everyone discussing their wishes if and when something happens. So to that, I say thank you to Terri and her family for making my family discuss difficult topics that needed to be addressed for those terrible situations like this.