Monday, May 29, 2006

Memorial Day and Thanks

It's Memorial Day here in the United States and most of us look at it as a "Thank God! a 3 day weekend".

Over the last couple years, I have seen a few parades and watched that there aren't many veterans left to walk in the parades. The last war we had was over 30 years ago and many of our veterans have passed on. This made me glad in some ways because I erroneously believed that we had started to learn as a country and a planet to get along and to not ever get to the point of "Let's kill and blow each other up".

Unfortunately, we have a new war making for new veterans to walk in these parades. To those who have lost someone in the Persian Gulf, given their life, given of themselves to protect others in the world and here at home, you have my sincere Thank you.

To the politicians in all the countries of the world who CAUSED these wars....try something different and work TOGETHER. We teach our children that fighting is not the answer to a problem and that it is a last resort. Funny how often it quickly becomes a last resort when someone else has what we want. To all of you...GROW UP and move us toward being a world that can SHARE it's intelligence, knowledge and differences rather than exploit and rub other people's noses in it.


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