Friday, March 10, 2006

The World According to Bush

I try not to say too many things, since I didn't vote and thus didn't make my voice heard. Now, I keep watching news stories and shaking my head over and over on how our President doesn't care what the people want and are saying. Doesn't care that those who elected him and that he is supposed to be working for say "hey, we don't want this....." and "we think you are doing a terrible job" consistently over and over. Congress goes "hey, this isn't a good idea" and our president goes "I DON'T CARE ABOUT ANY OF YOU....I'M IN CHARGE AND WE'LL DO IT MY WAY!!!!!!" that is called a dictatorship, not a democracy.

Case in point? Newest article on Bush's approval ratings and the allowing control of NY ports by a company that had / has ties to terrorism (remember? the people who killed innocents here in the US? the people we have spent 4+ years wasting money on fighting in IRAQ?) Oh yes, he conveniently forgot that was his excuse for us being over there...........

So what is he doing now? Telling the american people AND congress that he wants the port deal to go through and if anyone tries to stop him he'll veto it. Can you say I don't think so????? Congress has had enough, the American people have had enough and it is time for a lame duck presidency for the remainder of his term. Essentially stop him from causing anymore problems until people can elect someone new. You KNOW a president is in trouble when his OWN POLITICAL party is going "ummm.......can we not claim him as one of us?????"

So keep writing your congressman and keep expressing your views that just because someone is elected, doesn't make them God. or as someone said to me this morning. We aren't the USA, we are USB....United States of Bush (thanks tink :) )


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