Thursday, June 02, 2005

All in the Name of Money

So now the last piece of the Nixon Watergate scandal is in place and the history books can be factually correct. Although as a person that believes filling in truthful history is a good thing, I believe the family of Mr. Felt is completely and utterly wrong.

Here is their father who has lived through many things and has kept a secret he did not want revieled all this time and the family pushes him to reveal the story in the name of "you owe the family this...we should PROFIT off what you did, everyone else will get money and we won't." If Mr. Felt wanted to share his information, that is his choice, but being pressured by family for monetary reasons is not a valid reason. The man should have been left in peace to live his remaining years as he wanted to.

Our society is getting so money oriented. Mr. Felt's family want to pay off student bills from a son going to college. Excuse me???? That was their choice to have their son go to Stanford. There are a lot less expensive schools out there.....
Everything now is about....what gossip or pictures can I sell, who can I tell on? What can I sue over? When will mom and dad kick the bucket so I can have the money I don't deserve.

Let's head back to core values of family and friends and living within your means instead of the anything I can lay my hands on syndrome! As my older daughter asked me....."mom, how do you know if you are rich?" response to her was "Honey, it is different for different people. I think we are rich as everyone is relatively healthy, we have each other, we have what we need and money is going to retirement and college funds."


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