Tuesday, April 05, 2005


Was searching the internet and found this article on Texas legislation regarding cheerleaders and what they should and should not be able to do............


Seems they are OUTRAGED at the "suggestive" moves that many of these cheerleaders perform. Now as a parent, if i do not like what my child is doing, it is MY responsibility to stop her, to educate her and to set the morales and principles that she will take with her through her life and build upon.

My issue with this is more and more of government is concerning themselves with "moral" issues and with issues that parents should be dealing with. They are determining for me what is correct and incorrect. Instead of working on these issues and forcing THEIR opinion on me and wasting my tax dollars and items such as this, I want to see them do THEIR job first. To work on safety issues, issues that will affect everyone, not the moral issues that everyone disagrees on in the first place.

Could we please get our priorities straight and work on crime, education, pollution and the other 10 million things that will affect the future of the country and leave parenting and morals in the venue that it belongs in (i.e. the parents!)


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