Monday, February 12, 2007

Things that make you go hmmm

Politics time, so if you are sensitive...don't keep HAVE been warned!!

Recent news articles show GW has a 28% approval rating and if he keeps it up, he'll match Nixon who is on record as having the lowest. In contrast, Kevin Federline had a 43% approval rating. Now that is just sad.......

News article yesterday was stating how GW wants to fix the medicare and medicaid system. Essentially those who have saved more for retirement, and have more will pay more for the medical and prescription plan benefits. My attitude on that? Someways I do not care for that I do my part and save for retirement and I will be penalized for it. Otherways, I go....if i made big time bucks, then i would eventually hit a cap where i didn't have to pay more social security and medicare, so i have no room to complain. My full attitude on this, is that there should be no make millions, you pay a portion of that to Social Security, not get to say $150k and that's it, you are done paying. That will fix some of the issue and make it proportional.

Now back to where I was really heading. In the news article they quote GW as saying we must be fiscally responsible and watch where our money goes for these things. Now that is funny considering the money he is WASTING on a war no one wants or thinks should be continued.

Okay, now the other big story? How Anna Nicole died.......My response? Who the hell cares? She wasn't anyone, she was famous for being famous. Slept around LOTS, did drugs, married an old guy for his money (it was for no other reason...puleeze) and yet we hold her up as an "Oh my god! how can this have happened!!!"
Let's pay attention to real things shall we? What about the people who die everyday and leave families? What about the woman who is preparing her family for her dieing of Lou Gehrig's disease and knowing she will never see them grow up? Let's discuss morales and values shall we?


At 12:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think W is controlling the media and by focusing on Anna Nicole he is taking attention off the war and himself. Is her death important? Just as important as mine or your would be, to our circle of friends and family.

There is a mother here who has adopted 2 Russian children and helped many other families adopt also. Now she is ill and will not live to see the children make adulthood. If the world was fair, this woman's children not Dannielynn would get millions to help others remember their mother's work.


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