I keep reading more and more on the case of the Shiavo woman in Florida. And feel sorry for everyone involved..........
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/7212079/When is enough enough? When does the husband give up and say to the parents? If you believe that deeply, that she should be cared for by you, then you may take responsibility. And he gets a no fault divorce and walks away.
When do the parents say? We've fought this as hard as we can and it is time to say goodbye?
Doctors will not normally say there is nothing they can do. It has been 15+ years and there is no change. What happens when the parents pass away? Who cares for her then?
My issues on the entire thing are this:1) Everyone needs to make sure they have a clear will made to cover their wishes (I am as guilty as anyone else, since guardianship of my children is a bone of contention, I keep putting it off).
2) There is a thing called QUALITY of life....where is the quality of her life? There has been no change in 15 years, is a 99% chance there will never be change. That is not quality.
3) That she will need to die by starving to death is the worst possible scenario and I consider cruel and inhuman. This is where we should be able to have a lethal overdose and pass quietly and painlessly if it is our choice. They will do it for criminals, but say it is illegal for the average american.
4) CONGRESS NEEDS TO STAY OUT OF INDIVIDUAL BATTLES.....excuse me?! under no circumstances should a law be made for 1 person. That is not congress' job. In addition, this has been through the legal system and the decision has been made. It is NOT CONGRESS' choice to do this. It is only because it is nepotism through Jeb being the Prez brother. I consider this abusing of governmental privileges and this type of abuse is scary. And we wonder what is wrong with our country.
What is everyone else's opinion?